We are all about family connections at SoulJuice, and family bonding starts in the womb, between mother and baby.
Being pregnant is such a magical time and throughout our prenatal yoga class you get to experience the freedom of moving mindfully in a way that supports and protects you and baby. You get to connect together long before your bundle of joy finally makes their appearance earth side.
Prenatal yoga give you opportunity to nourish your body as you grown an nourish a new one. You will stretch and strengthen your body and prepare for the magical experience of labour.
Mothers to be from 13weeks are invited to join this class.
During a prenatal yoga class our yoga postures and flows are designed to support the pregnant mother and her baby. Pregnancy come with allot of symptoms and restrictions so each class is designed with each individual mother in mind.
Throughout your prenatal yoga class you will be guided with your breath. Learning breathing techniques prior to going into labour will benefit your experience and allow that calm state to prevail.
During any prenatal yoga class we will spend some time exploring the pelvic floor. This is hammock of muscles essential for labour and birth. Strengthening and also learning to release these muscles will aid in your labour and recovery postpartum.
A much deserved time at the end of the class to rest your body. Savasana calms the central nervous system, tapping into the parasympathetic nervous system, aiding the digestive and immune systems. It calms the mind, reduces stress and lowers blood pressure, all known to be at a high during pregnancy. Savasana is a must for all pregnant woman!
“Mums are going though a lot of changes during this period; mind & body. It is my pleasure to be creating this safe space for mums to gain the benefits of yoga, stretch, unwind and connect with other mums” – Ili Zulkiflee
souljuiceyoga@gmail.com | +64 21 1589 796