Family Yoga


1h at Home Family Yoga

For this offering Ella will spend 1h with you in your home or chosen location (park, lake front, your decide!) to explores yoga with the whole family! - Sessions are specifically designed to suit YOUR family and age range, giving you the time to pause, connect and have fun!

Koha Family Yoga

SoulJuice offers a Koha Family Yoga Session every month! – These are group sessions open to everyone. Bring mum, dad, all your brothers and sisters, nana, popa, aunties, uncles, cousins, friends, EVERYONE! 

NEXT ONE : Sunday 19th June 10am – 11am

Our Lockdown Family Yoga Challenge

During Level 4 of lockdown in New Zealand, we created a little Family Lockdown Yoga Challenge to keep everyone connected and having fun in their bubbles! 
Swipe along to see some amazing family effort…

Follow us on social to keep up with the fun!

Join our email list to be the first to know about upcoming family yoga events!

Why Do Family Yoga?

Builds Strong Bonds

A Time For Family Fun

Understand Emotions And Manage Stress

Promotes A Healthy Lifestyle

An Opportunity to Learn Cooperation

Opens Up Communication

Why don’t you try some with your family!?

Make sure to tag us on Social #souljuiceyoga


“Family connections are something that I cherish! When families have strong bonds children grow up confident to express themselves and share their feelings” – Ella Bhatt-Monro | +64 21 1589 796

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